Extra Early Socialization for Puppies Makes a Big Difference
Research on a new program for socializing puppies in the nest finds it brings big benefits. Photo: Sarai da Silva / Shutterstock A new study by Dr. Helen Vaterlaws-Whiteside and Amandine Hartmann ( Guide Dogs National Breeding Centre ) (2017) tests an improved program for socializing puppies in the nest from 0 – 6 weeks. The program provides additional socialization in a way that is relatively cheap, easy to implement, and designed to fit with what science tells us about the development of puppies. In comparison to puppies receiving the regular socialization program, the puppies who got extra socialization got better scores in tests at 6 weeks old. By 8 months of age they were less likely to have separation-related behaviours, general anxiety, be distracted, or have body sensitivity. In other words, the extra socialization brought important benefits for their behavioural welfare as young adult dogs. These results will be of particular interest to those who breed and train service dogs,...