The Posts of the Year 2017
The most popular blog posts on dogs and cats in 2017. It’s been a busy year! It ends with the news that my post The Ultimate Dog Training Tip has won the Captain Haggerty Award for best dog training book or article in the Dog Writer's Association of America awards. And I was honoured that Companion Animal Psychology was one of three finalists for Canada’s Favourite Science Blog . As well, I now have a blog at Psychology Today, Fellow Creatures . During the year, I was thrilled to interview Lee Dugatkin about his new book with Lyudmila Trut, How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog), and Christy Hoffman about her research on dog rivalry and how to increase shelter adoptions. Kristy Benson, Gina Bishopp and Jane Gething-Lewis have all contributed fantastic guest posts . And once again the Train for Rewards blog party was a huge lot of fun in promoting the use of reward-based training methods for dogs (and cats!) – thank you to everyone who took part. Over the summer, the Companio...