
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Posts of the Year 2017

The most popular blog posts on dogs and cats in 2017. It’s been a busy year! It ends with the news that my post  The Ultimate Dog Training Tip  has won the Captain Haggerty Award for best dog training book or article in the Dog Writer's Association of America awards. And I was honoured that Companion Animal Psychology was one of three finalists for Canada’s Favourite Science Blog . As well, I now have a blog at Psychology Today, Fellow Creatures . During the year, I was thrilled to interview Lee Dugatkin about his new book with Lyudmila Trut, How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog), and Christy Hoffman about her research on dog rivalry and how to increase shelter adoptions. Kristy Benson, Gina Bishopp and Jane Gething-Lewis have all contributed fantastic guest posts . And once again the Train for Rewards blog party was a huge lot of fun in promoting the use of reward-based training methods for dogs (and cats!) – thank you to everyone who took part. Over the summer, the Companio...

Season's Greetings

Season's Greetings from Companion Animal Psychology. Thank you for your likes, shares and support throughout the year, and a very warm welcome to all the new readers. Happy Holidays! Zazie Photo: Jack Frog / Shutterstock.

Companion Animal Psychology News December 2017

Unexpected friendships and the cat on the stove: make sure you haven't missed a thing with the latest newsletter from Companion Animal Psychology. Some of my favourites from around the web this month "...the importance of knowing basic aspects of dog behavior for people who choose to share their lives with a canine companion, letting dogs be dogs, paying attention to the dogs' point of view..."  How to give dogs the best lives possible in a human world . Marc Bekoff PhD follows up on one of my recent blog posts. “Until we know more, I think we should assume that cats have needs while we are gone, and even if they aren’t meeting us at the front door.” Does your cat miss you when you’re gone by Mikel Delgado PhD . "even though they do not provide their owners with the undying affection of puppies and kittens, most of our subjects said goldfish and hamsters perfectly embodied the concept of a pet." Hal Herzog PhD asks How "Pet-tie" are dogs? What ab...

How to Make the World Better for Cats

Cat experts – including Mikel Delgado, Pam Johnson-Bennett, Sandra McCune, Kersti Seksel and Nicky Trevorrow – weigh in on the one thing that would make the world better for cats. Photo: JRJfin We love our feline friends, but at the same time there’s a lot that we, as a society, could do to make cats happier. So I asked several experts on cats to answer the question, “What’s the one thing that would make the world better for cats?” Read on to see what they have to say. And if you're a dog person, there's a related post on  how to make the world better for dogs  to check out next. This post is also available in Japanese . Thank you to Saramu Momma MSc and Risa Yoshida for the translation. Sebastiaan Bol, PhD Founder and CEO of Cowboy Cat Ranch (Website   Twitter ,  Facebook ) "Cats love plants (but only the ones that are safe for them)" “In general, creating a safe, fun and challenging environment for cats will make them truly happy. Env...

How to Make the World Better for Dogs

Dog experts – including Marc Bekoff, Jean Donaldson, Alexandra Horowitz, Ilana Reisner, Kathy Sdao and Pete Wedderburn – weigh in on the one thing that would make the world better for dogs. Photo: Bad Monkey We love our canine friends. But at the same time there are lots of things we, as a society, could do to make dogs happier. So I asked several experts on dogs to answer the question, “What’s the one thing that would make the world better for dogs?” Read on to see what they had to say. And if you're a cat person, you should also check out how to make the world better for cats . Marc Bekoff, PhD  Writer on dogs and other aspects of the cognitive and emotional lives of other animals for Psychology Today and the author of numerous books including Canine Confidential: Why Dogs Do What They Do (March 2018, University of Chicago Press). Website  ( Twitter ) "Let dogs be dogs." “ Let dogs be dogs . Let's appreciate them as individuals with unique personal...