Companion Animal Psychology Turns 6

Celebrating six years of writing about the science of our relationship with pets. Photo: Kira_Yan/Shutterstock It’s exactly six years since I started Companion Animal Psychology! The most popular posts of the last year were people mistakenly think anxious dogs are relaxed around baby and the ultimate dog training tip , which won the Captain Haggerty Award from the Dog Writer’s Association of America . The posts on how to make the world better for dogs and how to make the world better for cats , in which experts weigh in on what would make a difference, have also been incredibly popular. In the last year I spoke to Dr. Lee Dugatkin about How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog) , and to Dr. Christy Hoffman about her research in Anthrozoology . And I was thrilled to publish guest posts from Kristi Benson CTC , Gina Bishopp , and Sienna Taylor MSc . This is post number 355. Regular readers will have noticed posting frequency is down lately. This is because I am busy finishing the manus...