Updates to Companion Animal Psychology's Privacy Policy

The Companion Animal Psychology privacy policy has been updated effective from 16 May 2018.

Specifically, we would like you to know that:

  • Email subscribers can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link that you will find at the bottom of every email from Companion Animal Psychology
  • The only way to subscribe to the email subscription list is to specifically opt in. We will never add you, even if you email us about the blog.
  • Anyone who has added a link (blog post url and/or photo) to a link-up can delete their link/photo at any time
  • Email addresses provided for the purpose of link-ups will not be used for any other purpose. That is, we may communicate with you about the link-up if necessary, but will not add you to the email subscribers list.
  • Google/Blogger have made changes to the way comments are handled, and in particular OpenID is no longer supported. Any comments previously left under OpenID will be anonymized. Comments can still be posted from a Google account or anonymously.
  • Google/Blogger have made changes to the cookie policy in line with GDPR. Visitors from the EU will see an updated message about cookies.

As a thank you for reading this notice, here is a gratuitous photo of Alaskan Malamute puppies.

Alaskan Malamute Puppies
Photo: Zuzule/Shutterstock


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